Messages will always have a few components when going to students and guardians. They have:
- Your name signed your name, unless it is a broadcast message.
- Who the message is regarding, so recipients which student the message is about.
- What school/class/group you teach with that student.
- A link for the recipient to click on to go to ReachMyTeach, but they also can respond to the message right in the email/text program.
- If there is a PDF a link to the PDF. For recipients that have a language other than English PDFs will be sent automatically in their preferred language.
- If the message is shared with other teachers, it will let the recipient know the message is shared.
- If the message is translated the translated message will be first, then the English version.
- If Text-to-speech is turned on for a recipient they will be able to listen to the message as well, and respond with a voice memo.