The All Passes page contains a table with complete history of all the passes that have been created in the school. It also contains a pie chart with pass information.
Pie Chart
The pie chart allows administrators to see the locations of where students have been with in the selected time frame. Hovering over the section with its matching color coordinated label will show you how many passes are for that location and average time of the passes for that location.
The table organizes and displays all passes. The columns includes student name, leaving time, reason & note, duration, and teacher name.
- Sorting: Click on the table headers to sort alphabetically by student, time left, duration, or by teacher.
- Search: Use the search bar to find specific students, time left, reasons & notes, duration, or teacher.
- CSV: Click the CSV button to download the current list of all passes with in the selected date time.
- Entries per Page: By default, 25 passes are shown per page. You can adjust this to display 10, 25, 50, or 100 passes per page.
Change Page: If not all the passes you need to view are visible on the current table, you can navigate through different pages using the controls at the bottom:
Double Arrow: Click to jump to the first or last page.
Single Arrow: Click to move forward or backward one page at a time.
Page Number: Click on a specific page number to jump directly to that page.
- Highlighted Number: Shows the page you are currently on.
Double Arrow: Click to jump to the first or last page.