Details about fields for CSV uploads
Student Contact Information Fields (fields in bold are required)
- Student First Name: The first name of the student.
- Student Last Name: The last name of the student.
- Student Email: The school email address of the student.
- Student Phone Number: The phone number of the student (if the student is over 13 and if available).
- Student Language: Language other than English spoken by the student. Defaults to English if not specified. Messages will be translated into this language when staff message the student.
- Student Interpreted Language: Language in which the student prefers to communicate, different from their reading language. For example, the student may read English and speak ASL or read Portuguese and speak Lingala. This field is for calling live interpreters.
- Student Grade: The grade in which the student is enrolled.
- Student WhatsApp: If the student communicates over WhatsApp instead of text, please put a 1, otherwise leave blank. Default is set to not preferring WhatsApp.
- School Name: The name of the school in which the student is enrolled. If multiple schools, separate with comma.
- Class Names: The names of classes the student is enrolled in, separated by semicolons. For example: Biology (Carter); English (10); Art 2; Algebra 206.
- Guardian 1 First Name: The first name of the first guardian.
- Guardian 1 Last Name: The last name of the first guardian.
- Guardian 1 Email: The email address of the first guardian (if available). If not available, the system will send messages via text message if necessary.
- Guardian 1 Phone Number: The phone number of the first guardian (if available). If not available, the system will send messages via email if necessary.
- Guardian 1 Language: Language other than English spoken by the first guardian. Defaults to English if not specified. Messages will be translated into this language when staff message the guardian.
- Guardian 1 Interpreted Language: Language in which the first guardian prefers to communicate, different from their reading language. This field is for calling live interpreters.
- Guardian 1 Title: The relationship of the first guardian to the student (e.g., Grandmother, Father, Step-Mother, etc.).
- Guardian 1 WhatsApp: If the first guardian communicates over WhatsApp instead of text, please put a 1, otherwise leave blank. Default is set to not preferring WhatsApp.
- Guardian 2-- same fields as Guardian 1 (note, you can have more than just 2 guardians, repeat that pattern).
Staff Contact Information Fields- Second Tab
(fields in bold are required)
- First Name: The first name of the staff member.
- Last Name: The last name of the staff member.
- Email: The work email address of the staff member.
- Phone Number: The phone number of the staff member, never shared with guardians, solely for organizational communication purposes. See more here.
- Admin: Admin Permissions: Determines whether the staff member has administrative privileges, granting access to view all communications within their school or district. Default is 0 (not admin), set to 1 to elevate privileges. See more here.
- External: Indicates whether the staff member is external, meaning they are unable to send messages (except with limitations like coaches) and primarily receive messages. Set to 1 to designate as external. See more here.
- District Access: Provides the staff member with access to the entire district, allowing them to view communications from any family/student within the district. Useful for staff members like speech pathologists who work across multiple schools. Set to 1 to designate district access. See more here.
- School Name: The name(s) of the school(s) with which the staff member is associated. Multiple school names can be provided, separated by commas. Names must match exactly.
- Class Names: The names of classes taught by the staff member, separated by semicolons. For example: Biology (Carter); English (10); Art 2; Algebra 206. These need to match student classes.
You can now upload your spreadsheet, more information on that process here.
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